Preventive Dentistry

Regular Dental Exams Are Important

Regular dental exams are an important part of preventive health care.  During the dental exam, the Dr. Kaufmann or hygienist will clean your teeth and identify gum inflammation or bone loss. We will then evaluate your risk of developing tooth decay and other oral health problems, as well as check your face, neck and mouth for abnormalities.  A dental exam might also include dental X-rays or other diagnostic procedures.

During a dental exam, our hygienist will likely discuss your diet and oral hygiene habits and might demonstrate proper brushing and flossing techniques. Other topics for discussion during a dental exam might include:

  • Any medications you're taking
  • Use of tobacco products
  • Consequences of tooth loss
  • Benefits of crowns, fixed bridges or dental implants
  • Use of dentures
  • Cosmetic procedures

A dental exam also gives you the opportunity to ask questions about oral health.

Regular dental exams help protect your oral health and general well-being. A dental exam gives your dentist a chance to provide tips on caring for your teeth and to detect any problems early — when they're most treatable.

Will You Need X-Rays?

Routine dental exams, cleaning and x-rays are all important for a beautiful and healthy smile.  A complete set of x-rays along with a comprehensive exam is the first step in welcoming you into our practice.

We use x-rays to find cavities between your teeth, calculus on the roots, worn out fillings, receding bone levels caused by periodontal disease and other conditions we can not find with a clinical exam alone. Without x-rays, we would not be able to detect these problems until they have become severe and damage has occurred. Our patients receive oral cancer screening, periodontal disease screenings, and a comprehensive exam.

Sealants to prevent dental decay

A sealant is a thin, plastic coating bonded on to the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars.  Sealants have been shown to be highly effective in the prevention of cavities in permanent teeth.


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